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File List | 1995-02-16 | 11.5 KB | 162 lines |
- NOTEFACE.ZIP 52167 06-06-94 NoteFace - is a simple Windows game that
- | assists in learning to read music. As notes
- | float by on the treble clef, you must select
- | the correct key or the note will become angry
- | and make a face at yo
- OD301.ZIP 122405 08-16-94 Office Darts - Windows Darts game. Impressive
- | screen display.
- OTHWIN11.ZIP 291116 07-20-94 Othello, version 1.1. A freeware Windows
- | version of this popular board strategy game,
- | in which the object is to capture as many of
- | your opponent's pieces as possible.
- | Seven classic peg solitaire games
- | rendered in full 256-color graphics.
- | Supports AdLib/Sounblaster cards.
- | Requires Windows 3.1, with 1MB Ram.
- PEND21.ZIP 510477 08-06-94 Pendulous V2.1 Engaging Windows strategy
- | game w/Russian Front scenario. Fractal maps,
- | play humans or computer. Like GO, Risk.
- PENTA101.ZIP 44231 08-08-94 PentaBlox v1.01 ASP , is a puzzle for Windows
- | based on a series of unique shapes described
- | as pentominoes by Solomon Golomb.
- | challenge is to find as many of the 2,339
- | unique solutions as possible!
- PGOLD11.ZIP 317214 10-28-94 PIRATE'S GOLD V1.0 One of the easiest
- | solitaires to play - and to win!
- | Needs VGA and Windows 3.1. Freeware.
- PICMIXG.ZIP 281096 09-10-94 Pic Mix : A Windows puzzle game with good
- | looking gals in Swimsuits. Requires mouse.
- PIGSV10.ZIP 295400 10-28-94 PIGS! v1.0
- | A great game of chance and strategy played
- | with dice. Excellent graphics. Addictive
- | gameplay! Requires Windows 3.1 and VGA. A New
- | Zone Production.
- PILE211.ZIP 63221 08-31-94 Pile v2.11 - Windows solitaire game. Cards
- | dealt FACE UP into 13 piles of 4. Rearrange
- | them to make 13 piles of the same value.
- | Simple, but requires a bit of brain power.
- PINGWIND.ZIP 31534 10-29-94 Ping for Windows - is a fun and
- | addictive game similar to soccer or ice
- | hockey.
- POLYGO.ZIP 19953 05-10-94 PolyGone II - is an interesting graphics
- | display that you can adjust to any size.
- | Reqs VBRUN200 and Windows 3.1
- PPONG103.ZIP 90531 01-02-95 TC Ping Pong 1.03 3D Ping Pong game.
- | Requires Windows 3.1
- | More than just a another video poker game!
- | Choose from 14 different games like Deuces
- | Wild, single & double Jokers Wild, Regular &
- | Progressive Jackpots, & Double-or-Nothing
- | With 50 card dealing special effects. MORE!
- | Reqs vbrun300.dll
- QUAKECD.ZIP 511660 09-11-94 EARTHQUAKE Zeeno PREPARED. Animated windows
- | game on earthquakes with great graphics and
- | sound effects. Make a dinosaur jump, run and
- | duck. Find hazards & collect survival tools.
- | Id safe places by ducking under objects.
- | Learn quake preparedness the fun way.
- | Ages 6-120.
- | REQUIRES: MS Windows 3.1, mouse,
- | 386, 4MB RAM, 3MB Disk space & an optional
- | sound card.
- RACETRK.ZIP 139476 12-27-94 Race Track V1.0 is a Windows shareware
- | version of the classic Swiss racing
- | simulation game. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
- RUM500.ZIP 174974 12-19-94 RUMMY 500 (Version 3.51) card game for
- | Windows 3.1 Complete and well done.
- RVBJ10.ZIP 86669 08-24-94 REAL VIDEO BLACKJACK v1.0 for Windows 3.1
- RVP12.ZIP 83614 08-25-94 REAL VIDEO POKER v1.2 for Windows 3.1. Winner
- SDODGEM.ZIP 243937 08-08-94 Space Dodge'm v1.0 is a shareware Windows
- | version of the classic game of Dodgem.
- | Written in Visual Basic, it requires
- | VBRUN300.DLL to run. MIDI background music!
- | Great Graphics. Easy to play and learn,
- | challenging, educational!
- SEAHV161.ZIP 134580 06-24-94 Seahaven Towers, version 1.6.1. A Windows
- | solitaire game in which the object is to
- | arrange the deck of cards into the four
- | suits.
- SIMJAC.ZIP 146120 09-19-94 SimJack for Windows blackjack simulator
- | may improve blackjack skills
- STARS10.ZIP 72842 12-17-94 LUCKY STARS Video Slots V1.0 for Windows.
- | Awesome nine wheel video slot w/8 pay lines
- | Beautiful graphics and animation
- | Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
- STOPBUS.ZIP 122247 05-07-94 Windows card game that any Brit will know.
- TELPZL1.ZIP 102741 10-29-94 Telephone Puzzle for Windows - is a word game
- | that displays a word as a telphone number,
- | and you must guess the word correctly.
- USC11.ZIP 76397 08-10-94 The Ultimate SOLITAIRE Collection v1.1 for
- | Windows. Fully working Klondike, Monte Carlo
- | and Four Seasons. Reg. for 6 more! VBRUN300
- VEMPW20.ZIP 465324 07-28-94 World Empire for Windows - The classic game.
- | Battle the computer or fellow humans for
- | world domination! Award-winning game.
- VPOKW10.ZIP 183379 03-14-94 Poke-It Poker! for Windows- Las Vegas Video
- | Poker! From the makers of World Empire II.
- | Accurately simulates the real thing.
- WALNUT1.ZIP 332680 07-20-94 Warped for Windows - Walnuts - a psychotic
- | squirrel moves back and forth across the
- | treetops and drops nuts from his place in the
- | tree. You control a basket and move it
- | underneath of the nuts in an effort to catch
- | them.But beware: the squirrel throws rocks
- | every now and then which break your basket.
- WBLOCK50.ZIP 147216 07-07-94 Win Block V5.0 Windows game in which the
- | object is to finish with more pieces than
- | your opponent. Three difficulty levels.
- WGOLFH42.ZIP 197904 11-26-94 Golf Handicapper 4.2 for Windows. Stores any
- | number of scores for any number of players
- | and automatically calculates their index and
- | handicap for each game.
- WGSHW100.ZIP 588447 01-11-95 Slide-show demonstrating the WinGenius Games!
- | Developed in association with Apogee Software
- | -- it's the WinGenius Game Series! 5 brain-
- | teasing games in 256 beautiful colors. Spend
- | hour after entertaining hour, looking for the
- | best strategies. Multiple difficulty levels,
- | extra artwork and inspiring end-game displays
- | available. Brilliant. Colorful. Good clean
- | fun! Requires Windows 3.1 in 256-color mode.
- WG_YACHT.ZIP 11296 07-02-94 Yacht for windows 3.1 nice little game.
- WINBB24.ZIP 201776 12-17-94 Bible Baseball v2.4: MS-Windows bible trivia
- | game in baseball game format; supports sound
- | cards; req VBRUN300.DLL; 10/11/94; Robert L.
- | Barbor.
- WINBR.ZIP 266298 09-30-94 MVP Bridge for Windows by MVP Software <ASP>.
- | Simply the best. Even if you've never played!
- | playing like a veteran. Req Windows 3.1.
- WINCRY21.ZIP 124008 07-20-94 CryptoAnalyzer for Windows V2.1 - This is a
- | tool that will aid the user in solving crypto
- | grams. This version will aid the user in the
- | creation and solving of Simple Substitution,
- | Polyalphabetic, Columnar, Playfair, Railfence
- | and Vigenere type cryptograms.
- WINZLE.ZIP 652420 07-04-94 Stunning images from around the world in
- | supervga color! The ultimate windows puzzle
- | game. Extremely flexible - many choices,
- | hints, simple mouse interface, and much more!
- WM_USA.ZIP 55406 05-16-94 WINMIND 2.0 - mind game for Windows 3.1 and
- | NT (Intel) 3 different skill levels.
- WRDGR11S.ZIP 35745 10-07-94 WORD GRIDv 1.1s - Game for Windows
- WROIDS21.ZIP 439028 07-28-94 Winroids for Windows 2.1, latest version of
- | this very addictive game.
- WSCHESB1.ZIP 164005 03-16-94 GNU Chess (C) Free Software Foundation Inc
- | Chess implementation that allows two or more
- | players to play chess over a Winsock
- | supporting network. 1994 exe
- WUZZLE.ZIP 36092 05-06-94 WuZZle - is a Windows puzzle where pieces are
- | moved into place with a mouse by pointing,
- | clicking and dragging.Samples OR make yourown
- WZL107.ZIP 531550 09-28-94 Stunning images from around the world in
- | SuperVGA color! The ultimate Windows puzzle
- | game. Extremely flexible -- choose any
- | numbers of pieces from 4 to 2000!
- | All puzzles use original photography
- ZLOTTO20.ZIP 189345 07-23-94 Zlotto V2.0 For Windows - The Only Lottery
- | Number Generator You'll Ever Need. Pick 3,
- | Cash Lotto (6/33), Powerball And Keno, CUSTOM